Monday, August 8, 2011

Let the music play

I have been playing guitar since I was 13 years old! I love it, my parents invested six years of lessons just to see my talent grow. I used to help play worship at a church, I've taken a college guitar class, bough all the goodies for it yet in the busyness of life I have let the gift and talent go to the way side. But yesterday I went to a worship team meeting for our youth group. Because I am no longer going to let it all go to waste. Worship is my calling and I will no longer deny it!

Have your cake and eat it too!

Sorry I didn't post all weekend, but I did still do my challenge!! Saturday, I had the privilege to do to one of my dear friends birthday lunches. This in itself is big accomplishment, I love having friends but for some reason I always keep them at arms distance (I'm just being honest). But I broke out of that, because I want to start being a better friend!!
The second thing that made Saturday awesome and challenging is I took some time for myself and I went to The Coffee Shop and Got my favorite vanilla cupcake and Cappuccino just cause I wanted to. It was fun and it made my day.

Do I Have a DREAM?

Friday night was very life changing for me. I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the closing ceremony for the National Fine Art's Convention, and boy was God trying to get ahold of me! On my way up to Phoenix, my parents and I discussed where I'm going in my life what I'm doing, what my dreams are!! I came to realize while talking to them that I had forgotten all of my dreams and lost sight of what I have always wanted to do. I felt at that moment that I had messed up and missed my mark and calling. Well God had more in store for me that night! The preacher happened to be speaking about dreams, how ironic right?!  I was so ment to be in that room hearing that man speak, it was as if he had be in the car with my parents and I on the drive up. At the end of the service they called all the youth forward to be prayed for but the different pastors there, I am no longer a student and felt a little dorky so I decided to sit in my seat but I knew I needed to me prayed for. See I'm lucky my Daddy is a Pastor so I asked him to pray for me that I would gain sight of my dream again, and find my purpose! It was an amazing night, and by the end of it I still didn't know my dream or destiny but what I did know was that I am going in the right direction. So before I make any more decisions about school I need to know where and what I want to be in the future!
Fast forward to today monday morning my mom and I were talking about it all and she reminded me of what I always would say I wanted to be and do. I know I am called into the ministry thats why I have such a bug heart, I pour myself out because that is what I am supposed to do. I have a passion for teens, especially teens that have been down the road I have. See I guess I will just have to wait and see where that all takes me! Nothing like a good mystery!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

One ticket please...

Call me crazy but I was the girl that took herself to the movies tonight. This was something that I thought weird people did, but I have come to realize that sometiemes its ok to just go and be alone. So instead of spending a night at home watching tv or messing around on facebook, I went to the movies. It was fun, a little lonely but I really enjoyed myself.

Break the Mold!

I am a very habitual routine based person, for anyone who knows me I pretty much stick to what is safe and comfortable. Yesterday I broke out of that! First off I wore a red hat, this to most people may seem like no big deal, but to me it is something that I have always thought about wearing, and accessory that I put on and take off often because I'm unsure of wearing it. The second thing I did is I made plans with my friend and her family to hang out, this again a simple action in mosts view but to me doing something like this is totally out of my normal routine. I had so much fun eating pizza and hanging out with my dear friend Michelle and her 4 kids! Last night when I got home I was so happy and glad with my day. It was fun and different from my normal routine and for once I just enjoyed the moment I was in.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Going on a Journey with no Map at Hand

I’m the type of person that has to know every bit of what I’m doing before I do it, I’m not the first person that comes to mind when someone says risk taker. So yesterday to break this Clayton (my Boyfriend) and I took a little adventure, we knew where we were going but for once I didn’t have a plan I just wanted to GO! I got off work early and met him at his house, I had had a bad day so I just vented to him (which is hard for me to do). Once my tears were dried we were on our way to first get something to eat. We were on a time crunch so we got subs and ate in the car, let me just tell you from experience it is hard to drive stick and eat a sub all at the same time.  And without using my wonderful Google Maps App we drove out to Phoenix to see my sister compete for Fine Arts. I was amazing to have my man by my side and be there supporting Amy as she sang her solo. Once she was done there we were on our way to see my brother’s band perform in Tempe. Oh and I didn’t pay for my parking which is something I never  ever do. I might not sound like much but for me driving around without a plan or a map to go by was something so new and freeing for me! I didnt stress at all, that is something about my boyfriend that is so amazing he gives the security to be adventurous and try new things!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Pen Point of Contact

Text messages, email, facebook, instagram the electronic list goes on, but when was the last time you received a hand written note from someone. Not a thank you card or birthday card but just a good old hey I was thinking about you note! Better then that when was the last time you sent someone a note through the mail just to say hello. So today I am sending out four letters the recipients are as follows 1. My Best Friend, 2. My Love, 3. A family Member, and lastly 4. Someone who had great impact in my life!
So I am putting pen to paper and pouring out my heart! Who knows maybe I will get one back in return.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lets take a Journey

How many times do you go through your day on fast forward and by the time you lay your head down on your pillow realize that you did nothing significant today. It happens to me more days than not, so I have designed this thirty day challenge to help break that cycle, to get out of your norm and try something new! I will be blogging these next thirty days of my challenge starting on August 1st, feel free to try it with me or create your own. There is something truly beautiful about stepping outside of your box and trying something new whether for yourself or those around you!